
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Superman, Jimmy Olsen and Lady Gaga = Signal Watch

This cartoon was not inspired by this blog, but it was inspired by Jimmy Olsen, his signal watch, Superman and the Great Lady Gaga.

In the end, aren't we all a little inspired by Superman, Jimmy Olsen and Lady Gaga?

Click here.

Special thanks to Alan N. (who I believe is a Houston kid), for sending me this link!


  1. If we're going to stick with this Lady Gaga/Signal Watch crossover thing, I think the next logical move is a video of Jamie singing a cover of Bad Romance. Possibly while wearing a bearskin rug. Or maybe, more appropriately, her Supergirl outfit.

  2. Way to be a team player, McSteans!!

  3. And what would say Bad Romance like you singing to your Superman-obsessed husband in a Supergirl outfit? I'm just saying, don't dismiss this out of hand. Let it percolate...


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