
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Superman Case Takes a Surprise Turn

Likely we'll be following the ongoing legal wrangling over Superman as WB and the Siegel Family (heirs to the Superman creator) sort out who owns what.

A new wrinkle in the case on Friday. I may be reading this wrong, but WB is not suing the Siegels. They are suing the Siegel's atorney, basically charging that he;s not trying to represent his clients, but that he's angling to get a part of the Superman money for himself.

Biff! Bam! Pow! DC Comics Sues Lawyer Over Superman Rights - Law Blog - WSJ

Better legal minds than mine can sort through this thing, but given how long and difficult the litigious wranglings have been when it seems this should have been a matter of agreeing on a number (the Siegels need somebody to manage he Superman empire for them, and WB needs the continuity of keeping the license), and that hasn't happened.

We'll keep watching...

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