
Thursday, May 6, 2010


I was the outlier on "Grindhouse". I cackled my way through "Planet Terror", and wanted to poke out my own eyes during "Death Car" or whatever it was called.

But I loved the trailers. And I especially hearted the trailer for "Machete". They had me at "Cheech Marin as a shotgun-toting priest", and melted my brain with "motocycle with gattling gun jumping out of giant fireball".

Randy has informed me that "Machete" will actually hit theaters as a feature, and we at The Signal Watch could not be more thrilled. We can only hope the actual full length film will feature the same cast that appeared in the trailer back a few years ago, but will also include Michelle Rodriguez with an eye patch an pistols.

Here's the updated trailer to the film with a message about some current events added on as a preface (happy Cinco de Mayo, AZ!) . Warning: naughty words make their way into the trailer.

edit note: The trailer with the Cinco de Mayo message was pulled so I am putting up the trailer from Grindhouse and a link to one I found elsewhere.


new Machete:

Yup. That's Austin.


  1. Wow. That trailer must not have stayed up very long.

  2. Shazbot. Well, I'll keep keep trying to get versions of the trailer up, as long as its relevant and Fox doesn't get them shut down.

  3. It also appears that I made some mistakes. I didn't realize how much new footage was in the new trailer, including Michelle Rodriguez.

  4. That trailer had me at Jeff Fahey aka "Lapidus" from Lost.

  5. Idle thought/question... will "Machete" be more popular than "Grind House" ever was?

    Of the "fake" trailers included in the movie, "Machete" is the only one I would have paid money to see. I'm really, really looking forward to this one, despite my not liking the majority of Rodriguez' stuff I've seen.

  6. I would have seen "Werewolf SS". But, yeah, I think Machete has a much better chance of catching the zeitgeist than Grindhouse did at the time.


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