
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Little Housekeeping

Vote In Our Poll!

Do you like democracy? Love self-determination? Dig the hell out of clicking buttons?

Well, have we got a deal for you.

Back at the old URL, we called folks who came in and started hanging out regularly our "Leaguers". Calling you guys "Leaguers" seems likely to cause confusion at the new URL.

So... It's time to employ Blogger's poll feature.

If you look around to your left in the menu bar, for the next few days we're going to have a poll available, and anyone can vote. You people are going to decide what I'll call you. I've got four ideas. If you have a killer idea, go ahead and send it in.

This direction is left:


Visitors from Facebook and Twitter will need to visit us at the actual site.

Posting Schedule

Folks who visited the last blog probably got used to seeing posts pop up about 6-10 times per week. That's a pretty hectic schedule, what with my day job, my busy touring schedule, and my moonlighting as one of those doctors who performs plastic surgery on criminals building a phony ID.

We're still in early days, but right now my goal is to have material up 4 times per week. I figure that's a fairly regular schedule, and I can still do other things like: read. Go to movies. Walk the dog. Enjoy a sunset. Work on my time machine.

Free Comic Book Day meetup?

If anyone wants to meet up at Austin Books and Comics on Lamar in Austin, Texas for Free Comic Book Day, let me know. I plan to go down to Austin Books before mid-day, so maybe comics and then lunch?

I'm not super picky about my FCBD offerings, so I don't need to be down there at 8:00 AM when Austin Books is opening, but last year it got a little warm standing in the sunshine. I just need to grab "War of the Superman #0" and I'll be happy. But, really, I want to be there when the people show up dressed as X-Men or whatever... That's always kind of awesome.


  1. You know, we wouldn't be having this problem if you had decided to keep your prior blog and URL ;-) Now I gotta vote and stuff. What's up with that??


  2. Your time machine?

  3. New chapter means a new URL. That's just the way it is.

    And, yes, I have a time machine. I dropped it off for myself last week.


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