
Thursday, April 29, 2010

JackBart's "Poe" now available

In 2009, our pal JackBart wrote and released a 4-issue historical/ fantastic fiction series through Boom! Studios. I thoroughly enjoyed Jack's comic, and hope its the first of many successes.

I've already pre-ordered my copy of the trade collection from Boom! I noticed that the price at Amazon is actually very, very good. This is a terrific opportunity to check out the comic.

This comic is also currently available at your Local Comic Shop. In Austin, that's Austin Books, who has been very supportive of local talent, and who previously hosted a signing for several Boom! creators. All of their collections are 10% off every day, last I checked.


  1. Wait. This is already out, right? Isn't this the thing I bought at Austin Books a couple of weeks back?

  2. Same thing! Yes, you can definitely pick it up at Austin Books for 10% off the cover price.


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