Watched: 03/03/2025
Format: Hallmark
Viewing: First
Director: Terry Ingram
heads-up: If you're here for 100% Chabert content, I am going to alert you now, Lacey Chabert is a supporting character/ Executive Producer on this movie, and not the star. But watching the Chabert filmography will mean sometimes she is not the lead. I know. I can't believe it either.
Job: Art Prof
new skill: I'd say researching art, but that is literally her job. So, I guess, making lace?
Man: Paolo Bernardini
Job of Man: Sales and Marketing for a lace company?
Goes to/ Returns to: Goes to Venice
Event: None?
Food: I am sure they ate Italian food and talked about it
Budgets on Hallmark films make no sense to me.
We're making our way through the Wedding Veil series, I guess. It's a five movie (to date) series about a magical wedding veil that forces people to fall in love. Frankly - its power is terrifying.
Three Hallmark stars (Chabert, Autumn Reeser and Allison Sweeney) buy the veil together, as their "something borrowed" item they'll all wear. And the first movie sees Lacey Chabert fall in love with a terrible, terrible human who looks like a Bad Boy version of Mikey Day.
This is the best the veil can do?
Regarding budgets - the first movie ostensibly took place in San Francisco and Boston, but that was clearly Canada. Nice locales, but nothing you don't see in many-a-mid-budget Hallmark flick.
But the sequel, The Wedding Veil Unveiled (2022) - starring Autumn Reeser - takes place all over Venice, Italy. They left the continent and went somewhere awesome. You even see the library from Last Crusade.